Thursday, April 26, 2007

Weight loss, sleep and hypnosis

Last time we talked briefly about sleep, a usually overlooked but important issue that can have a strong influence on the success of a weight loss strategy. However, having goodLink sleep, although a great piece of advice, is not easy to achieve for many people. There are myriads of tactics and tips that are good for having a restful sleep, but for those who find sleep really difficult, something else is needed.
The most obvious solution is sleeping pills and other aides such as those discussed in a previous post, but for different reasons, some people would rather not take anything. What then? Many people use techniques and exercises related to hypnosis and auto-hypnosis in order to improve their relaxation with great benefits for the overall wellness, sleep included.

Mind Changing Hypnosis is a blog that explores these alternatives. The techniques explained and discussed there are very simple and effective. Here is an example of hypnotic methods employetd to help losing weight.

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